Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why did they never make The Hobbit into a movie like the trilogy?

i love The Hobbit. it would be a decent movie. should the pull a star wars and start with the end and work their way back to the hobbit?Why did they never make The Hobbit into a movie like the trilogy?
It's coming, don't worry :) did they never make The Hobbit into a movie like the trilogy?
Peter Jackson has been in legal battles with the studio over the LOTR trilogy, and may not direct it, and I don't think another director has stepped up, and maybe can't step up until the legal tangles are resolved.
Just like the should of started with the magicians nephew instead of The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
They were planning to make a movie of the Hobbit, but I think they were worried about the actor who played Bilbo being too old. I don't know what happened to their plans.
I heard they were going to make a movie. They did make a cartoon movie a long time ago that is pretty good.
The Hobbit is going to be made into 2 movies, but it will not be made by Peter Jackson, too bad!!
coming out next year plus another just on middle earth the following year

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