Saturday, December 5, 2009

So is Lord of the Rings the best trilogy in movie history, beating the Star Wars trilogy?

What's the better movie franchise, not counting the Star Wars prequels? Lord of the Rings - Return of the King, won best picture at the Oscars. Star Wars prequels only garnished a few oscars here and there, for special effects, i believe. So is LOTR the better movie franchise?

Also forgot to say that Return of the King made $1 billion worldwide, which no Star Wars movie ever did.So is Lord of the Rings the best trilogy in movie history, beating the Star Wars trilogy?
first, Star Wars is not a trilogy, it is a saga. Okay, so now, that would make LOTR the best trilogy. I base that on box office take, and the fact that it won more total Oscars and other awards than the Godfather trilogy.So is Lord of the Rings the best trilogy in movie history, beating the Star Wars trilogy?
In my opinion, it's a tie between the two. However, the one thing that gives the LOTR trilogy a one-up on the Star Wars trilogy is the acting. Let's face it: LOTR had acclaimed actors in their subsequent roles. Had it not been for the likes of James Earl Jones, Sir Alec Guiness, Sir Peter Cushing, Ian McDiarmid(Emperor Palpatine), and some of the other members of the Imperial forces, Star Wars would have been another run-of the-mill sci-fi saga.
I do believe that.

If THE GODFATHER Part 3 wouldn't been so lackluster, it would've been the best trilogy ever. I mean, the 2 first films are an incredible achievement in perfection.

The Star Wars films, well I think the first one (Episode IV, 1977 A NEW HOPE) was truly great.

The LOTR trilogy was almost perfection in every film. Acting wise, in the screenplay, and overall.
Of the thirteen companions of the great Thorin Oakenshield, Dori was often responsible for keeping an eye out for the Company鈥檚 burglar, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. Now Dori acts as an emissary to the dwarf-mines of Othrikar in the North Downs. Learn more about this famous dwarf in this week鈥檚 content update!

Dori and his brothers, Nori and Ori, were among the thirteen companions of the great Thorin Oakenshield on the Quest of Erebor. Dori was often responsible on that journey for keeping an eye out for the Company鈥檚 burglar, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. He proved quite dissatisfied with the task, but nonetheless tried his best.

-First off, Star Wars movies came out before should know this stuff before you ask a question

-NOT COUNTING THE PREQUELS? Are you insane???? That's the best part of SW

-There a 6, count them =%26gt; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....6 Star Wars films, making more than the puny 3 that LOTR came out with

-Star Wars became a hit in movies, books, video games, and other items across the globe....LOTR, did not

Don't get me wrong, LOTR is still sweet. But Star Wars rules!
Lord of the Rings is NOT a trilogy!!!! It's ONE STORY broken into three parts. Those parts cannot stand alone (as the individual parts of a trilogy can). Star Wars was the better movie, but LOTR is the better story. And the books are far better, in both cases.
Yes. Lord of the Rings is the best trilogy in movie history. Hands down. For that matter, it's the best series of movies ever.
Lotr is a better franchise for sure!
I guess it all depends on what kind of fan you are, LOTR or Star Wars
Lord of the Rings = Heaven.
mm depends on which kinda nerd u are

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