Thursday, June 24, 2010

Would you recommend reading the lord of the rings trilogy without having read The Hobbit?

Would I be able to understand the lord of the rings if I haven't read The Hobbit? Would you recommend reading The Hobbit first even if I could understand the rest without it?Would you recommend reading the lord of the rings trilogy without having read The Hobbit?
yes it completly stands alone from There and Back again(the hobbit)Would you recommend reading the lord of the rings trilogy without having read The Hobbit?
You would be able to understand it but, I suggest reading the hobbit first. It gives you a feel for and some history of the characters that show up in the lord of the rings.
You would be able to understand the trilogy however, The Hobbit is actually my favorite book in the series so I would definitely recommend it. (But to be honest with you I am not one of the true trilogy fans who dresses up as a character and has taught myself the elvin language%26gt;)
You can read them without reading the hobbit just fine. But, the Hobbit is a great book in its own right. I'd suggest reading it as well.
I read the Hobbit first. I think you may enjoy the Hobbit more in the long run, if you read it first. Once you get into the trilogy, the story is so grand, that the Hobbit won't seem like such a great story in comparison. It is really good and introduces you to Bilbo, preparing the stage for the trilogy.

I envy you for being about to read this for the first time! What wonderful stories!
You can toatally read any of Tolkien's works by themselves, but you understand tham a lot better if you read them all. If there were to be one book that you should read before reading Lord of the Rings, it would be the Silmarillion, you can understand Lord of the Rings without reading it, but it gives the background for all of the events and gives you a better idea of why cherecters do what they do and why things work a certain way. Plus the Silmariallion is just a great book! It's really hard to start but once you get into it, it's way better then Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit, however, is more of a supplementary story in the whole scheme of things. You could just read a 1 paragraph summary about it and know more than enough for Lord of the Rings to make sense.
I'd say read The Hobbit first.
No, read the hobbit first. I personally think it is the best of the 4 books,, the most fun to read,, and was written first. It should be read first,, you will appreciate the trillogy more if you do, plus it's a fun read. The characters are introduced, and the situation set up,, as well as back ground info on all the races. ok.
Well, I think you can read LOTR without reading Hobbit, as I did,

but it would be easier to understand if you read ';Hobbit'; first. And I think I would have enjoyed LOTR more if I had done the background reading ( Hobbit) first.

I mean, lets go in chronological order guys! ';Hobbit'; tells Bilbo's adventures, and LOTR tells about his nephew's journey to Mordor to destroy the ring that Bilbo had stolen from Gollum in ';hobbit';.

NOTE : I am not sure which I like better of the 2- Hobbit or LOTR? Lotr goes on and on into its hundred subplots, Too much is happening everywhere, and I sort of start pitying Frodo.
You might be able to understand LoTR without reading The Hobbit first, but you won't enjoy it as much. You'll get a lot more in depth into LoTR with what you get from The Hobbit. IMO, The Hobbit is more enjoyable to read than LoTR anyway.
It is possible, as the books allude to what happened in the hobbit anyway so you aren't left wondering.
read the hobbit first
UMMMMM NOOOOO!!! you HAVE to read The Hobbit or else you will be lost!! but i read it before starting the first book and i got a bit lost lol.
I think it's just a matter of perspective. I discovered the books after watching the first two movies. So I watched the movies, read the trilogy, and then read the Hobbit. It doesn't really matter it's just a matter of preference. I enjoyed the Hobbit and probably would have liked the trilogy better had I read it first. And the same thing with the movies. Reading it after watching it you just realize the differences (good and bad) between the two. But I'm glad to have read the books. My personal favorite happens to be The Silmarillion.
you dont have to... i read the triology first and then read the hobbit... i understood both really well, but the hobbit just gave more of an insight into bilbos character... all are really good books, and they can be read independently of each other...
  • trojan
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