Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What game has a better storyline the halo trilogy or the call of duty games?

i keep getting into arguments with people online saying that call of duty 4 is infinitely better than halo 3 because they think its got a better storyline. now i'm pretty sure they only played the 3rd halo and never the first and second but i was just wondering if anyone else seems to think that. bye the way if you say ';well halo does happen to have almost no storyline'; then your #^#*^#%*#%^%26amp; retarded i mean they have freaking novels out its that big.What game has a better storyline the halo trilogy or the call of duty games?
The Call of Duty series has a story line based on events in real life, whether its World War II or Modern Warfare which is based on a mix of current wars. All Call of Duties have great story lines and even when they had many games based on WWII they still had different story lines each time.

Modern Warfare 2 looks like it will be amazing.

Halo is more for the sci-fi type person. They have interesting story lines but Halo 3 was a bit of a disapointment compared to 1 and 2.

Halo Wars is going to SUCK, but the new Halo coming out later looks good.What game has a better storyline the halo trilogy or the call of duty games?
BIG doesn't always mean better...but it's all in how you look at it. Call of Duty is based on actual facts..not a bunch of sci fi hoop-lah people can write novels based on and pretend like it's all part of the same storyline. Halo is sci-fi. Storylines are all based on perception..not length. It's hard to judge this question, being as one is based on past reality and one's based on future fiction.
Halo... I love halo and there alot more than meats the eye with the game, theres not just the main story line but theres the books, alain story lines and the multiplayer maps story lines, which are very interesting. where as cod... as the guy said above OMG NAZIS PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW....
Call of Duty storyline = Omg nazis! PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW

Halo storyline = Meaningful.

altho i find call of duty multiplayer to be better.
HOW THE HECK IS THERE EVEN A DEBATE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!鈥?Halo Trilogy Definitly, its bigger than big! ...and better than cod's storyline anyday
Halo Trilogy all the way
storylines are dependant on how you view them.

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